Where do I find my Unique Code?

If you’re a student:

Ask your teacher to share the unique class code they would have received when setting up your class. Once you have this, enter the code here to access the Travel Smart – Safe Drive Stay Alive learning content.

If you’re a teacher:

To generate your unique class code, first register or sign into your account here.

Then set up the class you wish to run the programme with. You can do this by clicking ‘ADD A CLASS’ in the top navigation bar or if you have done this already, click ‘CLASSES’. Here you will find your unique class code for each of your classes.

Share this code with your students so they can access the Travel Smart – Safe Drive Stay Alive learning content. They will not be able to start the learning without it!


If you require further support in setting up your account or your unique class code, please contact tfltravelsmartenquiries@tfl.gov.uk.

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